呼啸山庄读后感范本精华 第一篇
呼啸山庄读后感范本精华 第二篇
Wuthering Heights,the only fiction of Emily Bronte, was published in 1847. It is a story about love and revenge. After finishing the novel, most people including me would appreciate Heathcliff for his pure, simple and untamed love which would never change until death. On the other hand, it is difficult to understand his abnormal, callous and his love for Catherine. Heathcliff was an illiberal and unscrupulous person. He loved Catherine and was willing to give up everything for her. In the north of England where the wind blew hard, the black and dirty child, Heathcliff, fell in love with a little girl, Catherine who gave him love and also misery.
Wuthering Heights is an ideal heaven for those misanthropists to escape from the real life. In this beautiful but desolate world, Heathcliff as a stranger appeared. When he was 6 or 7 years old and at the edge of starving, Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of wuthering heights, saved him. Heathcliff’s childhood was unfortunate. Before he came to the wuthering heights, he was almost dead. When he was at Mr. Earnshaw’s home, he was bullied and maltreat by Mr. Earnshaw’s son, Hindley Earnshaw. However, at that moment, Catherine Earnshaw saved him, and everything became different. Catherine was a crazy and wild girl. The writer described as follows: “Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going--singing, laughing, and plaguing everybody who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was.” However, she was goodness and pretty. The relationship between them was developing under the lack of civilized education. Their life was tightly held together, they had to face Hindley. But their friendship broke when Catherine was 12 years old, when she met Edgar Linton a wealthy and handsome boy from Thrushcross Grange. Three years later, she agreed to marry Edger. In Heathcliff’s mind, it was Edgar who bore away his love. Thus, when he came back to wuthering heights and began his cruel revenge.
Catherine lost her childhood at the time when she started to consider her future. She totally knew that it was impossible to be together with Heathcliff. She had to find the future, a wealthy, handsome huand who could give her steady life and reputation while Heathcliff had nothing. But when she married Edgar, she didn’t feel happy at all. She remembered that she had betrayed Heathcliff and herself. Money and house brought her into nothingness. She began to cherish the memory of Heathcliff, cherished the little boy stood by her. There was no etiquette and standard but sincerity. In the wuthering heights, happiness was gone forever. Because of Hindley, Heathcliff lost the chance to learn and he was almost lost himself. Fortunately, Catherine did not give up him. He abandoned himself for his self-abased. In their love, even at that storming night, Heathcliff left. They never thought about their future, their life. Thus, shall we ask that love should be based on what? Catherine loved Edgar, but she also said to Nelly:” you think me a selfish wretch; but did it never strike you that if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars? whereas, if I marry Linton, I can aid Heathcliff to rise, and place him out of my brother's power.” Before the difficulty, she chose to confront. On the contrary, Heathcliff chose to escape, because he had no courage to overcome it. Catherine was 15 while Heathcliff was 16, they were children. They didn’t understand what love was. They just found the happiness they had in common.
We can suppose that if Heathcliff didn’t leave, and he lived with Catherine, were they happy? Were they at ease? What life did they live? Can they run crazily on the wild land? Catherine looked down upon Heathcliff’s cowardice, once she talked about Heathcliff to Isabella: “Tell her what Heathcliff is: an unreclaimed creature, without refinement, without cultivation: an arid wilderness of furze and whinstone. But she had never suspected her courage.” She loved Heathcliff undoubtedly, but she was afraid to be with him. Heathcliff had questioned her:” You teach me now how cruel you've been--cruel and false. Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Catherine?” If they loved each other, why did cheat their heart? Compared with Catherine, is Heathcliff more forgivable for his insistence and self-abased?
In the end, Catherine died. She was 19, and Heathcliff was 20. However, the story was not end. After Catherine’s death, Heathcliff was not likable. His maniac revenge seemed no endless. He even took vengeance on their children. Is this love? Is this resentment? Did Heathcliff love Catherine more or he hate the world more? What did he revenge for? Does for Catherine or him? They tortured each other, but they still loved each other. We can not find out the answer. But we can know that at last, they finally stayed with each other and no one can take them apart. “And if she had been dissolved into earth, or worse, what would you have dreamt of then?' I said. ——Of dissolving with her, and being more happy still!' he answered.” No matter how much misunderstanding, regret and pain they received before, now they rest in peace. Just like Catherine said:” Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same”。
When I finished reading this book and begin to chew the profound meaning and the essence in this book, I find that I have learned a lot of life truth. For my part, love is to learn tolerance. If you really fall in love with someone, you will understand if she or he can get happiness and have ever loved you, that is enough. Reading a classic is a really tired and joyful thing. When I am moved by the figure’s emotion, I will feel sad and also gain enlightenment. In addition, which moves me most is that it teaches me to keep the dignity of life and the heart of freedom. No matter how austere the challenge we meet, we should yearn for freedom.
呼啸山庄读后感范本精华 第三篇
呼啸山庄读后感范本精华 第四篇
呼啸山庄读后感范本精华 第五篇
这本书本应该在初中的时候就看完,只不过当时我比现在更不懂得如何控制自己的恐惧,所以便没有读下去,只读到“我”——洛克伍德先生在凯瑟琳 厄恩肖房里梦见鬼魂的那一段便合上也就再也没有翻过,对于这一点我印象深刻,我还记得当时是在晚上,我躺在床上看,心里还犯嘀咕,“怎么世界名著是恐怖小说?”于是,这本书直至今日我才得以将它读完,虽然在我读到那段“鬼魂”的时候依旧一度不想看下去,所幸现在似乎比以前成熟点了,相信看过去就没事了,看完了。
来谈谈《呼啸山庄》,来自艾米丽 勃朗特。基本上,感受不深。
基本上,作者为全文所营造的氛围很一致,也很成功,看的过程一直都比较压抑。不过我要说的是,艾米丽 勃朗特与其姐妹夏绿蒂 勃朗特所描绘的爱情故事基本风格很一致,都是非常调皮又非常炽烈的爱。但是,《简爱》中的爱更理性,更稳重一些;然《呼啸山庄》的爱极为跳跃,也很不让人信服。特别是那些女人的爱,让人无法理解,无从辨别。我非常不喜欢凯瑟琳母女,老凯瑟琳我始终未分辨出她究竟爱着谁,她 只是期待着获得所有人的爱,同时还不能放弃她一直所享受的物质生活,他需要希思克里夫的爱来给她精神上的放荡,又需要林顿的爱给她温暖和呵护,当然还有优质的物质生活。至于小凯瑟琳,是一个始终没有力量的女人,她与理性几乎没有关系,也正是如此,她毫无力量,如果她有力量也就是她的美貌。